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The Nameless Forest

The Nameless forest was a website created by Adlana and LorlenMichelle in 2000. Upon entering the site you find yourself in an endless forest full of life, trees in all directions as far as you can see, and you explore by following links or clicking objects, and find new cyberpets to befriend (download). Sometimes a dead end is reached and the only way to progress was to solve a riddle and then put the answer in the address bar, which would then take you to a page with your reward: a new creature to adopt! I remember keeping one page open and opening each link in a new tab to try and find everything I could! Back then my site making skills weren't very good, but now I can finally give them the home they deserve, deep in the heart of the forest. The website appears to have gone down sometime in 2020 and the Nameless Forest is now only reachable by the Wayback Machine.
Visit the original site to find your own new friends, please don't take them from here!

You find yourself in a forest, surrounded by trees and thick brush with no edge in sight. The air is humid but cool, and you can smell flowers as you walk along. Trees as tall as buildings block much of your view of the sky, so you must walk down the path ahead of you. As you walk along the path you see a clearing with a colorful creature standing on a tree stump.

"Hi, welcome to the forest... my name is Swansong. I came here from a faraway place. Many other creatures moved here too, after humans started invading the forest... but you're not like those evil humans, are you? You seem much nicer... I like it here, it's nice... would you like to meet some of them? They like to play out here in the clearing."
Swansong hops off the stump and follows a path through the soft grass, to a part of the clearing with a fallen tree on the ground. You follow them and Swansong knocks on the middle of the tree. Shortly after, you hear scuffling coming from inside, and two creatures stick their heads of either end:

The little red dragon smiles at Swansong, but then looks surprised to see you, and says: "Oh, a human! Haven't seen one of you in a long while! What are you doing here, are you lost? ...Just wandering around? Well I bet I could show you something my FANGS!! ...Just kidding. :P What's really intersting is the bigger dragons in the cave hideout... or as they've been calling it the Dragon Den!"
The fuzzy little creature on the other side stays halfway hidden, and speaks softly:
"Oh, uh, I don't know Pepper... some of your dragon friends are kinda scary! I-I mean, they're not MEAN or anything, just so big..! Erm, maybe we could go to the lake instead? It's so pretty there, and there's lots of berries to eat... oh, um, I'm Clover, by the way!"
Swansong turns to you and says: "Well... there's a trail going to the lake, or we can walk that way to the dragon's den. Do either of those call to you?"

← To the lakeTo the dragon's den →

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